Property service
It goes without saying that we perform all the work expected of a caretaker service. Cleaning, minor repairs and maintenance, winter service, gardening, maintenance of outdoor facilities, etc. –the service we offer is always tailored to the property in question.
What is it that sets us apart from other service providers? We make your property our own! We look after, manage, clean and work in exactly the same way you would as a property owner if you were the caretaker.
As part of our work, we also consistently keep an eye on the things that are actually not part of our primary area of activity, since we also see ourselves a little bit as a support team for our colleagues in management and marketing. If our tenants’ mailboxes are overflowing, we ask our colleagues in administration to check that everything is okay. And if we find that the door of a property is left open permanently, we arrange to have the lock repaired and call in a locksmith if necessary.
In short, with the Schön & Sever property service, there is always someone on site who looks after the property and can be contacted. This means that managers are always up to date and able to respond quickly.